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Y Swim - Freestyle Drills at Home

06 May 2020 - Y SwimY Kids

At the Y, all of our Learn to Swim programs have a strong emphasis on teaching proper technique.  

While many of us don’t have access to a pool at the moment, there are still things you can do to refine your swimming technique at home!

Check out these videos from our team, that show you drills and ways to practice swimming freestyle at home…no pool required! 

You will simply need:
•    A bench to lay on
•    Something to blow bubbles into (*Parent must be present)

Make sure you keep up your skills while at home, so when the pool re-opens you’re ready to jump right back in where you left off!



Swimming Freestyle at Home - Helpful Tips



Swimming Freestyle at Home - Drills 

#theYathome Activity Disclaimer

All participants must ensure they have a clear area to perform all skills and activities prior to commencing the activity. All child related activities must be conducted under parental supervision. 

You are responsible for you exercising within your limits. Only perform exercises and skills and repetitions that you are currently capable of performing. If you do not do it at the gym or in your regular Y program, do not attempt to do it at home. Do not attempt skills, exercises or activities displayed if you currently sustain any injuries or illness that excludes you from physical activity. 

If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities, or you feel discomfort, pain, dizziness or nausea, you should discontinue exercising immediately and seek medical assistance/advice where necessary.

To the extent permitted by law, The Y and its affiliates disclaim any and all liability in connection with the exercises in this video and any instructions and advice provided.

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