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Social Impact

At the Y, we care about the social impact of our programs and measure it through a continuous quality improvement process called Results Based Accountability™ (RBA) framework.

What is RBA?

The RBA framework is a systematic approach to achieving meaningful outcomes and demonstrating accountability for our actions. It measures a range of quality-of-life metrics and is based on feedback from the children, young people and communities that we serve. RBA guides our efforts in creating a culture of continuous improvement learning and improvement and to make a positive difference.

Key Components of RBA at the Y

  1. Community Focus
    We start by understanding the needs of the communities that we serve. We identify issues and opportunities for positive change.
  2. Clear Outcome Measures
    Wd define clear and measurable outcomes that reflect the desired improvements in the wellbeing of children, young people and communities. These become our guiding principals for our programs and initiatives.
  3. Data-informed Decision Making
    We reply on data to inform our decision making processes and monitor progress towards our goals over time. This step ensures we continuously assess our impact and areas for improvement.

Our Results for FY23/24

Youth and Community Program

Across our Youth and Community programs, over 350 Youth and Community participants completed an online survey and rated their opinions.

  • 90% of respondents felt they increased social connections
  • 82% of respondents felt they had a sense of belonging at the Y
  • 82% of respondents felt more confident being at the Y

Community Recreation

Over 11,500 Community Recreation customers from our centres across NSW completed an online survey and rated their opinions.

  • 84% of respondents felt they had increased social connections
  • 80% of respondents felt they increased their skills and knowledge
  • 87% of respondents felt they increased their confidence

Children’s Services

Over 2400 parents, carers and children who utilise our before/after and vacation care services completed an online survey and rated their opinions.

  • 60% of respondents felt they/their child had increased skills and knowledge
  • 69% of respondents felt they/their child had increased sense of belonging
  • 62% of respondents felt they/their child had increased confidence
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