Children have had their voices heard as they took over NSW Parliament today as part of Children’s Week.
YMCA NSW and the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People brought together more than 90 children from across NSW to participate in Children’s Parliament, giving children a platform to voice their views, opinions and issues that are important to them.
Held at New South Wales Parliament, the two-day program gave students in years 7-9 a taste of what it’s like to be a member of parliament.
More than 90 participants represented their local communities and discussed issues with their peers from the benches of the Legislative Assembly.
Children travelled from across Sydney and regional NSW including Broken Hill, Dubbo, Tamworth, Armidale, Cooma and Wollongong to have their say on issues affecting all children and young people in NSW.
This program is designed to nurture the leaders of tomorrow and enable them to have their voices heard by State MPs through parliamentary processes.