Access the help of an Exercise Physiologist at your local YMCA this Exercise Right Week!
With a staggering 50 per cent of Australians now living with a chronic health condition and as many as 13 million people at risk of developing one[i], there’s never been more pressure on our ailing healthcare system.
This is one of the reasons why YMCA NSW now has Exercise Physiologists (accredited professionals who assist people with complex health needs to exercise safely and effectively) available in many of its centres and is calling on people to take advantage of the service this Exercise Right Week (22-28 May 2017) and beyond.
YMCA NSW Fitness Manager Alisa Wells explained: “In addition to being extremely beneficial in the management of chronic disease and helping people to live healthier lives, a recent report shows that Exercise Physiologists provide real cost benefits both to individuals, who can save $6,500 on average in out of pocket medical expenses, and to our healthcare system in preventative care.
“As such, we’re delighted to be able to offer the services of Exercise Physiologists to our members to provide them with a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing.”
According to a recent report[ii], the savings that Exercise Physiologists (EPs) can provide to the healthcare system are substantial – for example, it’s estimated a person with Type 2 Diabetes receiving treatment from an EP would equate to a saving of $5,107 per annum (around 1.2 million Australians have Type 2 Diabetes) and $1,977 for someone with pre-diabetes.
YMCA Exercise Physiologist Bree Sommer said: “There’s a range of people who can benefit from the services of an Exercise Physiologist – people with a chronic injury, illness or pain – but more broadly, we can help anyone who wants to improve their movement and quality of life.”
Susan*, 63, knows the benefits of working with an EP firsthand – with osteoarthritis and prediabetes, Susan sought the help of a YMCA EP program and has since lost weight, improved her fitness and has greatly lessened her risk of developing diabetes. She said: “I was desperate to improve my health…I’ve lost 25 kilos, my cholesterol, blood sugars and blood pressure are all now normal and I’m now fit enough to walk for several hours. Don’t put it off!”
The YMCA NSW began its in-centre EP program in November 2016 in partnership with Health Team Australia (HTA) to give people greater access to quality health and preventative care within their own communities and to positively impact on the burden of chronic disease in Australia and on the healthcare system.
To find out more about how to access an Exercise Physiologist’s services at a YMCA, call or drop into your local centre today: www.ymcansw.org.au For information about Exercise Physiologists and Exercise Right Week 2017, visit industry body Exercise & Sports Science Australia’s (ESSA) website: www.essa.org.au
Media contact:
Louise O’Donnell
Media Specialist, YMCA NSW
P: 0438 121 684 E: louise.odonnell@ymcansw.org.au
[i][i] Deloitte Access Economics Report: ‘The value of accredited exercise physiologists to consumers in Australia’ 2016 via https://www.essa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Deloitte-Value-of-AEP-to-Consumers.pdf
[ii] As above
*surname withheld