By Eloise @ Camp Yarramundi
There is no ‘standard’ day at Deeimba. Each day is magical and different from the last.
You awake to the peaceful sounds of nature, no car sounds or sirens to be heard. In winter, there can be a thick fog which makes the camp feel like it is high in the mountains. If the group is quiet enough, you can sometimes even spot a wallaby or two grazing in the fields.
Breakfast is had around a crackling fire to warm your fingers and stomachs. From then, there are a few activities you can find yourself enjoying. You could be searching through the scrub with a GPS looking for geocaches, shooting arrows at a target for archery practice, going on a day walk up the mountain or even abseiling a 20 metre natural rock wall!
Night times are my favourite at our bush campsite. After a hearty dinner, you might again find yourself with your friends around the fire singing songs and telling stories into the night.
Deeimba may be close to civilisation but when you look up at the sky, you can get lost in the stars. The best part is, after a comfortable night sleep in our tents, you can enjoy it all over again.
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