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Nationally recognised Excelsior YMCA OSHC offers great July school holiday program

07 Jun 2016 - Media ReleasesOSHC

Looking for fun, educational activities to keep the kids happy these school holidays? YMCA Excelsior OSHC Vacation care is back in July with an action-packed program for all primary school aged children.

There’s something for every child, from craft and science activities, dress ups, gardening, magic lessons, sports and fitness and more.

The YMCA-run service was recently recognised for excellence under the National Quality Framework, the set of standards designed to raise quality in education and care services. It received a top rating of exceeding the National Quality Standards.

The recognition is welcome news for staff, who have implemented significant changes to the service over the past six months including a greater focus on involving parents and partnering with the school community.

YMCA NSW General Manager Community and Children’s Services, Jenni Hutchins, praised the Excelsior team for their hard work and commitment to delivering fun, relevant programs for local children.

“I’d like to congratulate Juanita, Gina and the team for this outstanding result in being recognised nationally for raising the quality of the service and for providing a fun and positive environment for children to enjoy.”

The National Quality Framework aims to raise quality and drive ongoing continuous improvement in education and care services. It is overseen by a national body, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

To find out more about the Excelsior OSHC July Vacation Care program or for enrolments, ring 0427 476 866 or email


Media contact:

Louise O’Donnell

Media and Content Specialist



About the YMCA:


YMCA NSW is a community not-for-profit organisation committed to connecting people to their communities to live healthier and happier lives.

We deliver services in more than 100 locations across NSW including camps, before and after school care, community recreation and sporting facilities, swimming pools and youth services. We also raise funds to deliver much needed community programs.

With a commitment to delivering healthy living programs, empowering young people and making a positive social impact, we strive to ensure that every individual has access to the essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive. With the Y, everyone can be healthier, happier and connected to their community.

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